beverly singleton with upside down ankh

photo of beverly singleton edited in her art style


I started out with a simple love to draw which quickly developed into my love of combining different medias to create diverse pieces.
I'm a New Media Design student studying at Rochester Institute of Technology, recently transferred from Tompkins Cortland Community College. I've aquired skills in photography, animation, design, and most Adobe software.

Artist Statement

watercolor depressed person sitting in bedroom watercolor angry determined pharmacist

My art does not portray unrealistic fairytales with happy endings. Its about the journey riddled with mental turmoil and moral struggles that generates new perspectives. My style is scratchy and gestural and features jarring, unusual color palletes while sticking to darker themes. It shows that you determine your own happiness and that happiness needs to be fought for.


gif of Billie eilish paiting gif of beverly singleton explaining a diagram gif of rotoscope animation of girl running gif of painting of cyrstals

Recently I have been trying to be more active on youtube focusing more on the creative process of things I'm working on including class projects. Feel free to subscribe if that interest you.

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For Previous Work and Current Projects

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Contact Info

Phone: 315-935-9394